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Cultural History : Reading Rooms and Transnational Reading (1815–1930)

International Society for Cultural History
Volume 10, Issue 2, October, 2021
Print ISSN: 2045-290X
Online ISSN: 2045-2918

Reading Rooms and Transnational Reading (1815–1930) (October, 2021)

Numéro co-dirigé par Colette Colligan, Isabelle Richet et Diana Cooper-Richet. Ce numéro s'inscrit dans le cadre de Transfopress.

Cultural History is the only journal in the world that takes cultural history in general as its chief concern, bringing contemporary cultural theories and methodologies to bear on the study of the past, with a broad historical and geographical remit. Its main focus is on the ways in which people in the past orientated themselves as individuals and groups towards others. The journal also explores the ways in which museums and the heritage industry engage with current debates in cultural history.

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