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Séminaire History of Capitalism de la Newberry Library à Chicago

Esther Cyna interviendra le 24 février 2023 au sein du séminaire History of Capitalism de la Newberry Library à Chicago (en ligne, 18h-20h). Son intervention, intitulée "School Finance as a Racist Tool of Dispossession: Educational Inequality in North Carolina, 1865-2018", résumera ses recherches en cours.

le 24 février 2023

Vendredi 24 février 2023, de 18h à 20h
En visio-conférence
Esther Cyna, University of Versailles, Paris-Saclay

School Finance as a Racist Tool of Dispossession: Educational Inequality in North Carolina, 1865-2018

Through its analysis of racism in the distribution of resources in public education, this paper highlights the myriad ways school finance has shaped the accumulation of resources for public schools, as well as the value of real estate property around schools. I highlight the legacy of racial dispossession in school funding policies from Reconstruction to the 1990s by focusing on several counties in the state of North Carolina over the course of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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