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Vous êtes ici : CHCSCFRInternationalCulture FB


A network of researchers working on French-British cultural relations (19th-20th centuries)


Diana Cooper-Richet and Michel Rapoport, associate researchers at the Centre d’Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaines (CHCSC).

Institutional partners:
-in France: Centre d’Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaines (CHCSC) at the Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (UVSQ), Centre de Recherche en Histoire Européenne Comparée (CRHEC) at the Paris Est-Créteil University.
-in Great Britain: University of Southampton, University of Westminster, Courtauld Institute of Art and Institut Français du Royaume-Uni (London).

The CULTURE FB network's activities are funded by these institutional partners and by the Communauté d'Agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (CASQY) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Steering committee:
CULTURE FB is led by an international, multidisciplinary steering committee, which holds regular teleconferences as well as side meetings during the network’s scientific events.

Events organised by CULTURE FB:

- 2004, June and October: various conferences held in Paris, UVSQ, British Embassy in London, Courtauld Institute of Art, Maison Française d’Oxford and Paris Est-Paris 12 University (on the occasion of the Centenary of the Entente Cordiale).
- 2006, April: round table at the Paris Est-Créteil University, ‘Les intellectuels et le colonialisme – France/Grande-Bretagne’.
- 2006, November: workshop at the Maison Française d’Oxford, ‘Edition et politique au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en France et en Grande-Bretagne’.
- 2008, April: workshop at the University of Southampton, ‘Les relations culturelles franco-britanniques pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale’.
- 2008, June: conference at the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni on the occasion of the centenary of the 1908 Franco-British Exhibition in London, ‘Arts et cultures au tournant du siècle/Art and culture at the turn of the Century’.
- 2008, November: colloquium at the CHCSC: ‘Guerres et littérature au XX° siècle. Regards croisés France-Grande-Bretagne’.
- 2009, April: conference at the University of Birmingham, ‘La guerre dans l’entre-deux: réflexions sur la guerre (1918-1940)/The war in the inter-war: reflexions on war (1918-1940)’.
- 2010, January: colloquium at the Paris Est-Créteil University, ‘Les intellectuels français et britanniques et le pacifisme des années 1930 aux années 1950’.
- 2014, March: conference at the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni, ‘A tale of two cities: people, trade and culture in Paris and London from the 19th Century to the present day/Le conte de deux cités: population, commerce et culture à Paris et Londres du XI° siècle à nos jours’.      

Seminar series
A series of master’s 2-level seminars on ‘L’histoire des relations culturelles franco-britanniques’, launched in September 2005 at the UVSQ, ran for seven years. These allowed us to continue our reflection on this subject and to sustain a regular exchange of viewpoints with French and British colleagues and master’s and doctoral students working on these questions.


CULTURE FB’s publications

  • L’Entente cordiale. Cent ans de relations culturelles franco-britanniques (1904-2004), Diana Cooper-Richet and Michel Rapoport ed., Paris, Créaphis, 2006, 391 pages.
  • Regards sur l’entente culturelle, Synergies. Royaume-Uni et Irlande, no 2, 2009. Special issue, coordinated by Michael Kelly, presenting the proceedings of both the 2008 conference in London on the 1908 Franco-British Exhibition in London and the conference at Southampton University on Franco-British cultural relations during the Second World War
  • La guerre dans l’entre-deux-guerres/The war in the inter-war. Synergies. Royaume-Uni et Irlande, no 4, 2011 (special issue, coordinated by Martyn Cornick, presenting the proceedings of the 2009 Birmingham conference).
  • Nos meilleurs ennemis. Les relations culturelles franco-britanniques revisitées, Diana Cooper-Richet and Michel Rapoport ed., Paris, Atlande, 2014.